[95] | Sven Johannsen, Roberto Robles, Alexander Weismann, Karl Ridier, Richard Berndt, and Manuel Gruber. Spin-State Switching of Spin-Crossover Complexes on Cu(111) Evidenced by Spin-Flip Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 63(51):e202411865, 2024. [ DOI ] |
[94] | Suchetana Sarkar, Berta Álvarez, Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Agustín Cobas, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, Diego Peña, Dolores Pérez, and Francesca Moresco. On-Surface Stepwise Double Dehydrogenation for the Formation of a para-Quinodimethane-Containing Undecacene Isomer. Chemistry – A European Journal, 30(55):e202402297, 2024. [ DOI ] |
[93] | Roman Pico, Paula Abufager, Ignacio Hamad, Roberto Robles, and Nicolas Lorente. Understanding the interlayer coupling in 1T/1H-NbSe2 heterobilayers. Physical Review B, 110(7):075427, 2024. [ DOI ] |
[92] | Alex Fétida, Olivier Bengone, Michelangelo Romeo, Fabrice Scheurer, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Laurent Limot. Single-Spin Sensing: A Molecule-on-Tip Approach. ACS Nano, 18(21), 2024. [ DOI ] |
[91] | Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Suchetana Sarkar, Tim Kühne, Oumaima Aiboudi, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Roberto Robles, Franziska Lissel, Nicolas Lorente, Christian Joachim, and Francesca Moresco. Thermal with Electronic Excitation for the Unidirectional Rotation of a Molecule on a Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(34):16989--16994, 2023. [ DOI ] |
[90] | Tzu-Chao Hung, Roberto Robles, Brian Kiraly, Julian H. Strik, Bram A. Rutten, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, Nicolas Lorente, and Daniel Wegner. Bipolar single-molecule electroluminescence and electrofluorochromism. Physical Review Research, 5(3):033027, 2023. [ DOI ] |
[89] | Chao Li, Roberto Robles, Nicolas Lorente, Sanjoy Kr Mahatha, Sebastian Rohlf, Kai Rossnagel, Alessandro Barla, Boris V. Sorokin, Stefano Rusponi, Philippe Ohresser, Sara Realista, Paulo N. Martinho, Torben Jasper-Toennies, Alexander Weismann, Richard Berndt, and Manuel Gruber. Large Orbital Moment of Two Coupled Spin-Half Co Ions in a Complex on Gold. ACS Nano, 17(11):10608--10616, 2023. [ DOI ] |
[88] | Kira Kolpatzeck, Lothar Brendel, Rolf Möller, Roberto Robles, and Nicolás Lorente. Paradoxical effects for a one-dimensional periodic potential embedded in a two-dimensional system. Physical Review B, 107(15):155418, 2023. [ DOI ] |
[87] | Ana Barragán, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Lucia Vitali. Thioetherification of Br-Mercaptobiphenyl Molecules on Au(111). Nano Letters, 23(4):1350--1354, 2023. [ DOI ] |
[86] | Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Suchetana Sarkar, Tim Kühne, Oumaima Aiboudi, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Roberto Robles, Nicolas Lorente, Franziska Lissel, Christian Joachim, and Francesca Moresco. A Nanocar and Rotor in One Molecule. ACS Nano, 17(3):3128--3134, 2023. [ DOI ] |
[85] | Stepan Kovarik, Roberto Robles, Richard Schlitz, Tom Sebastian Seifert, Nicolas Lorente, Pietro Gambardella, and Sebastian Stepanow. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Alkali Metal Atoms and Dimers on Ultrathin MgO. Nano Letters, 22(10):4176--4181, 2022. [ DOI ] |
[84] | Qiang Sun, Luis M. Mateo, Roberto Robles, Pascal Ruffieux, Giovanni Bottari, Tomás Torres, Roman Fasel, and Nicolás Lorente. Magnetic Interplay between π-Electrons of Open-Shell Porphyrins and d-Electrons of Their Central Transition Metal Ions. Advanced Science, 9(19):2105906, 2022. [ DOI ] |
[83] | R. Cuadrado, R. Robles, A. García, M. Pruneda, P. Ordejón, J. Ferrer, and Jorge I. Cerdá. Validity of the on-site spin-orbit coupling approximation. Physical Review B, 104(19):195104, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[82] | We-Hyo Soe, Roberto Robles, Paula de Mendoza, Antonio M. Echavarren, Nicolas Lorente, and Christian Joachim. Doublet-Singlet-Doublet Transition in a Single Organic Molecule Magnet On-Surface Constructed with up to 3 Aluminum Atoms. Nano Letters, 21(19):8317--8323, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[81] | Frank Eisenhut, Tim Kühne, Jorge Monsalve, Saurabh Srivastava, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Oumaima Aiboudi, Franziska Lissel, Vladimír Zobač, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, Christian Joachim, and Francesca Moresco. One-way rotation of a chemically anchored single molecule-rotor. Nanoscale, 13(38):16077--16083, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[80] | Ana Barragán, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Lucia Vitali. Power discontinuity and shift of the energy onset of a molecular de-bromination reaction induced by hot-electron tunneling. Nanoscale, 13(36):15215--15219, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[79] | Qiang Sun, Luis M. Mateo, Roberto Robles, Nicolas Lorente, Pascal Ruffieux, Giovanni Bottari, Tomás Torres, and Roman Fasel. Bottom-up Fabrication and Atomic-Scale Characterization of Triply Linked, Laterally π-Extended Porphyrin Nanotapes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60(29):16208--16214, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[78] | Tao Wang, James Lawrence, Naoya Sumi, Roberto Robles, Jesus Castro-Esteban, Dulce Rey, Mohammed S. G. Mohammed, Alejandro Berdonces-Layunta, Nicolas Lorente, Dolores Pérez, Diego Peña, Martina Corso, and Dimas G. de Oteyza. Challenges in the Synthesis of Corannulene-based Non-planar Nanographenes on Au(111) Surfaces. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23:10845--10851, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[77] | Cristina Mier, Benjamin Verlhac, Léo Garnier, Roberto Robles, Laurent Limot, Nicolás Lorente, and Deung-Jang Choi. Superconducting Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tip to Reveal Sub-millielectronvolt Magnetic Energy Variations on Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12:2983--2989, 2021. [ DOI ] |
[76] | Qiang Sun, Luis M. Mateo, Roberto Robles, Pascal Ruffieux, Nicolas Lorente, Giovanni Bottari, Tomás Torres, and Roman Fasel. Inducing Open-shell Character in Porphyrins through Surface-assisted Phenalenyl π-Extension. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(42):18109--18117, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[75] | Mohammed S. G. Mohammed, Luciano Colazzo, Roberto Robles, Ruth Dorel, Antonio M. Echavarren, Nicolás Lorente, and Dimas G. de Oteyza. Electronic decoupling of polyacenes from the underlying metal substrate by sp3 carbon atoms. Communications Physics, 3:159, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[74] | M. Balcerzak, M. Wagstaffe, R. Robles, M. Pruneda, and H. Noei. Effect of Cr on the hydrogen storage and electronic properties of BCC alloys: Experimental and first-principles study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(53):28996--29008, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[73] | Kwan Ho Au Yeung, Tim Kühne, Frank Eisenhut, Michael Kleinwächter, Yohan Gisbert, Roberto Robles, Nicolas Lorente, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Christian Joachim, Gwénaël Rapenne, Claire Kammerer, and Francesca Moresco. Transmitting Stepwise Rotation among Three Molecule-Gear on the Au(111) Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11:6892--6899, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[72] | Roberto Robles, Vladimír Zobač, Kwan Ho Au Yeung, Francesca Moresco, Christian Joachim, and Nicolás Lorente. Supramolecular chemistry based on 4-acetylbiphenyl on Au(111). Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22:15208--15213, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[71] | Alberto García, Nick Papior, Arsalan Akhtar, Emilio Artacho, Volker Blum, Emanuele Bosoni, Pedro Brandimarte, Mads Brandbyge, J. I. Cerdá, Fabiano Corsetti, Ramón Cuadrado, Vladimir Dikan, Jaime Ferrer, Julian Gale, Pablo García-Fernández, V. M. García-Suárez, Sandra García, Georg Huhs, Sergio Illera, Richard Korytár, Peter Koval, Irina Lebedeva, Lin Lin, Pablo López-Tarifa, Sara G. Mayo, Stephan Mohr, Pablo Ordejón, Andrei Postnikov, Yann Pouillon, Miguel Pruneda, Roberto Robles, Daniel Sánchez-Portal, Jose M. Soler, Rafi Ullah, Victor Wen-zhe Yu, and Javier Junquera. Siesta: Recent developments and applications. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(20):204108, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[70] | Marc G. Cuxart, Miguel Angel Valbuena, Roberto Robles, César Moreno, Frédéric Bonell, Guillaume Sauthier, Inhar Imaz, Heng Xu, Corneliu Nistor, Alessandro Barla, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Daniel Maspoch, Pietro Gambardella, Sergio O. Valenzuela, and Aitor Mugarza. Molecular Approach for Engineering Interfacial Interactions in Magnetic/Topological Insulator Heterostructures. ACS Nano, 14(5):6285--6294, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[69] | Vladimír Zobač, Roberto Robles, and Nicolás Lorente. Directionality in van der Waals Interactions: The Case of 4-Acetylbiphenyl Adsorbed on Au(111). The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(8):4545--4551, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[68] | We-Hyo Soe, Carlos Manzano, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Christian Joachim. On-Surface Atom-by-Atom-Assembled Aluminum Binuclear Tetrabenzophenazine Organometallic Magnetic Complex. Nano Letters, 20(1):384--388, 2020. [ DOI ] |
[67] | B. Verlhac, N. Bachellier, L. Garnier, M. Ormaza, P. Abufager, R. Robles, M.-L. Bocquet, M. Ternes, N. Lorente, and L. Limot. Atomic-scale spin sensing with a single molecule at the apex of a scanning tunneling microscope. Science, 366(6465):623--627, 2019. [ DOI ] |
[66] | Bogdan Guster, Carmen Rubio-Verdú, Roberto Robles, Javier Zaldívar, Paul Dreher, Miguel Pruneda, José Ángel Silva-Guillén, Deung-Jang Choi, José I. Pascual, Miguel M. Ugeda, Pablo Ordejón, and Enric Canadell. Coexistence of Elastic Modulations in the Charge Density Wave State of 2H-NbSe2. Nano Letters, 19(5):3027--3032, 2019. [ DOI ] |
[65] | María Moro-Lagares, Richard Korytár, Marten Piantek, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, Jose I. Pascual, M. Ricardo Ibarra, and David Serrate. Real space manifestations of coherent screening in atomic scale Kondo lattices. Nature Communications, 10(1):2211, 2019. [ DOI ] |
[64] | Bogdan Guster, Roberto Robles, Miguel Pruneda, Enric Canadell, and Pablo Ordejón. 2 × 2 charge density wave in single-layer TiTe2. 2D Materials, 6(1):015027, 2019. [ DOI ] |
[63] | Salvio Suárez-García, Nayarassery N. Adarsh, Gábor Molnár, Azzedine Bousseksou, Yann Garcia, Marinela M. Dîrtu, Javier Saiz-Poseu, Roberto Robles, Pablo Ordejón, and Daniel Ruiz-Molina. Spin-Crossover in an Exfoliated 2D Coordination Polymer and Its Implementation in Thermochromic Films. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(6):2662--2668, 2018. [ DOI ] |
[62] | Mauro Brotons-Gisbert, Alfredo Segura, Roberto Robles, Enric Canadell, Pablo Ordejón, and Juan F. Sánchez-Royo. Optical and electronic properties of 2H-MoS2 under pressure: Revealing the spin-polarized nature of bulk electronic bands. Physical Review Materials, 2(5):054602, 2018. [ DOI ] |
[61] | Kenan Song, David Soriano, Aron W. Cummings, Roberto Robles, Pablo Ordejón, and Stephan Roche. Spin Proximity Effects in Graphene/Topological Insulator Heterostructures. Nano Letters, 18(3):2033--2039, 2018. [ DOI ] |
[60] | Deung-Jang Choi, Roberto Robles, Shichao Yan, Jacob A.J Burgess, Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, Jean-Pierre Gauyacq, Nicolás Lorente, Markus Ternes, and Sebastian Loth. Building complex Kondo impurities by manipulating entangled spin chains. Nano Letters, 17(10):6203, 2017. [ DOI ] |
[59] | Frédéric Bonell, Marc G. Cuxart, Kenan Song, Roberto Robles, Pablo Ordejón, Stephan Roche, Aitor Mugarza, and Sergio O. Valenzuela. Growth of Twin-Free and Low-Doped Topological Insulators on BaF2(111). Crystal Growth & Design, 17(9):4655, 2017. [ DOI ] |
[58] | Alberto Quintana, Jin Zhang, Eloy Isarain-Chávez, Enric Menéndez, Ramón Cuadrado, Roberto Robles, Maria Dolors Baró, Miguel Guerrero, Salvador Pané, Bradley J. Nelson, Carlos Maria Müller, Pablo Ordejón, Josep Nogués, Eva Pellicer, and Jordi Sort. Voltage-Induced Coercivity Reduction in Nanoporous Alloy Films: A Boost toward Energy-Efficient Magnetic Actuation. Advanced Functional Materials, 27(32):1701904, 2017. [ DOI ] |
[57] | Laurent Pedesseau, Daniel Sapori, Boubacar Traore, Roberto Robles, Hong-Hua Fang, Maria Antonietta Loi, Hsinhan Tsai, Wanyi Nie, Jean-Christophe Blancon, Amanda Neukirch, Sergei Tretiak, Aditya D. Mohite, Claudine Katan, Jacky Even, and Mikaël Kepenekian. Advances and Promises of Layered Halide Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors. ACS Nano, 10(11):9776--9786, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[56] | Florian Chaumeton, Roberto Robles, Miguel Pruneda, Nicolás Lorente, Benoit Eydoux, Xavier Bouju, Sébastien Gauthier, and David Martrou. Noncontact atomic force microscopy and density functional theory studies of the (2 x 2) reconstructions of the polar AlN(0001) surface. Physical Review B, 94(16):165305, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[55] | Kenan Song, David Soriano, Roberto Robles, Pablo Ordejon, and Stephan Roche. How disorder affects topological surface states in the limit of ultrathin Bi2Se3 films. 2D Materials, 3(4):045007, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[54] | Deung-Jang Choi, Roberto Robles, Jean-Pierre Gauyacq, Markus Ternes, Sebastian Loth, and Nicolás Lorente. Structural and magnetic properties of FeMnx chains (x=1-6) supported on Cu2N/Cu (100). Physical Review B, 94(8):085406, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[53] | Thomas Knaak, Thiruvancheril G. Gopakumar, Bettina Schwager, Felix Tuczek, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Richard Berndt. Surface cis Effect: Influence of an Axial Ligand on Molecular Self-Assembly. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(24):7544--7550, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[52] | Dennis van Vörden, Ben Wortmann, Nico Schmidt, Manfred Lange, Roberto Robles, Lothar Brendel, Christian A. Bobisch, and Rolf Möller. Following the steps of a reaction by direct imaging of many individual molecules. Chemical Communications, 52:7711--7714, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[51] | Nadine Hauptmann, Roberto Robles, Paula Abufager, Nicolás Lorente, and Richard Berndt. AFM Imaging of Mercaptobenzoic Acid on Au(110): Submolecular Contrast with Metal Tips. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, pages 1984--1990, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[50] | Deung-Jang Choi, Roberto Robles, Jean-Pierre Gauyacq, Carmen Rubio-Verdú, Nicolás Lorente, and José Ignacio Pascual. Spin-polarised edge states in atomic Mn chains supported on Cu2N/Cu (100). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28(23):23LT01, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[49] | B. Wortmann, D. van Vörden, P. Graf, R. Robles, P. Abufager, N. Lorente, C. A. Bobisch, and R. Möller. Reversible 2D Phase Transition Driven By an Electric Field: Visualization and Control on the Atomic Scale. Nano Letters, 16(1):528--533, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[48] | Maider Ormaza, Roberto Robles, Nicolas Bachellier, Paula Abufager, Nicolás Lorente, and Laurent Limot. On-Surface Engineering of a Magnetic Organometallic Nanowire. Nano Letters, 16(1):588--593, 2016. [ DOI ] |
[47] | Mikaël Kepenekian, Roberto Robles, Claudine Katan, Daniel Sapori, Laurent Pedesseau, and Jacky Even. Rashba and Dresselhaus Effects in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites: From Basics to Devices. ACS Nano, 9(12):11557, 2015. [ DOI ] |
[46] | P. N. Abufager, R. Robles, and N. Lorente. FeCoCp3 Molecular Magnets as Spin Filters. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(22):12119--12129, 2015. [ DOI ] |
[45] | Maider Ormaza, Paula Abufager, Nicolas Bachellier, Roberto Robles, Martin Verot, Tangui Le Bahers, Marie-Laure Bocquet, Nicolás Lorente, and Laurent Limot. Assembly of Ferrocene Molecules on Metal Surfaces Revisited. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6:395, 2015. [ DOI ] |
[44] | Mikaël Kepenekian, Roberto Robles, Riccardo Rurali, and Nicolás Lorente. Spin transport in dangling-bond wires on doped H-passivated Si(100). Nanotechnology, 25(46):465703, 2014. [ DOI ] |
[43] | Zechao Yang, Martina Corso, Roberto Robles, Christian Lotze, Roland Fitzner, Elena Mena-Osteritz, Peter Bäuerle, Katharina J. Franke, and Jose I. Pascual. Orbital Redistribution in Molecular Nanostructures Mediated by Metal-Organic Bonds. ACS Nano, 8(10):10715--10722, 2014. [ DOI ] |
[42] | Mikaël Kepenekian, Roberto Robles, Christian Joachim, and Nicolás Lorente. Leakage current in atomic-size surface interconnects. Applied Physics Letters, 103(16):161603, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[41] | Sujoy Karan, Yongfeng Wang, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Richard Berndt. Surface-Supported Supramolecular Pentamers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135(38):14004--14007, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[40] | Dennis van Vörden, Manfred Lange, Johannes Schaffert, Maren C. Cottin, Merlin Schmuck, Roberto Robles, Heiko Wende, Christian A. Bobisch, and Rolf Möller. Surface-Induced Dechlorination of FeOEP-Cl on Cu(111). ChemPhysChem, 14(15):3472--3475, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[39] | Cornelius Krull, Roberto Robles, Aitor Mugarza, and Pietro Gambardella. Site- and orbital-dependent charge donation and spin manipulation in electron-doped metal phthalocyanines. Nature Materials, 12(4):337--343, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[38] | Serge Monturet, Mikaël Kepenekian, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, and Christian Joachim. Vibrational transition rule during a through-bond electron transfer process. Chemical Physics Letters, 567:1--5, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[37] | Mikaël Kepenekian, Roberto Robles, Christian Joachim, and Nicolás Lorente. Surface-state engineering for interconnects on H-passivated Si(100). Nano Letters, 13(3):1192--1195, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[36] | Mikaël Kepenekian, Frederico D Novaes, Roberto Robles, Serge Monturet, Hiroyo Kawai, Christian Joachim, and Nicolás Lorente. Electron transport through dangling-bond silicon wires on H-passivated Si(100). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25(2):025503, 2013. [ DOI ] |
[35] | R. Robles, M. Kepenekian, S. Monturet, C. Joachim, and N. Lorente. Energetics and stability of dangling-bond silicon wires on H passivated Si(100). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24(44):445004, 2012. [ DOI ] |
[34] | Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, Hironari Isshiki, Jie Liu, Keiichi Katoh, Brian K. Breedlove, Masahiro Yamashita, and Tadahiro Komeda. Spin Doping of Individual Molecules by Using Single-Atom Manipulation. Nano Lett., 12(7):3609--3612, 2012. [ DOI ] |
[33] | A. Mugarza, R. Robles, C. Krull, R. Korytár, N. Lorente, and P. Gambardella. Electronic and magnetic properties of molecule-metal interfaces: Transition-metal phthalocyanines adsorbed on Ag(100). Physical Review B, 85:155437, 2012. [ DOI ] |
[32] | Aitor Mugarza, Cornelius Krull, Roberto Robles, Sebastian Stepanow, Gustavo Ceballos, and Pietro Gambardella. Spin coupling and relaxation inside molecule-metal contacts. Nature Communications, 2:490, 2011. [ DOI ] |
[31] | R. Robles and S. N. Khanna. Oxidation of Pdn (n=1--7,10) clusters supported on alumina/NiAl(110). Physical Review B, 82(8):085428, 2010. [ DOI ] |
[30] | D. R. Roy, R. Robles, and S. N. Khanna. Magnetic moment and local moment alignment in anionic and/or oxidized Fen clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 132(19):194305, 2010. [ DOI ] |
[29] | S.V. Ong, R. Robles, and S.N. Khanna. Evolution of graphene mediated magnetic coupling between Fe-chains. Chemical Physics Letters, 492(1-3):127, 2010. [ DOI ] |
[28] | R. Robles and S. N. Khanna. Magnetism in assembled and supported silicon endohedral cages: First-principles electronic structure calculations. Physical Review B, 80(11):115414, 2009. [ DOI ] |
[27] | H. Tan, E. Martínez, A. Vega, V.M. Uzdin, R. Robles, and G. Borstel. Response of Mn overlayers on Fe to external magnetic fields: Electronic structure calculations. Surface Science, 603(16):2537, 2009. [ DOI ] |
[26] | R. Robles and S. N. Khanna. Stable T2Sin (T = Fe,Co,Ni,1<=n<=8) cluster motifs. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130(16):164313, 2009. [ DOI ] |
[25] | C. Peineke, M. Attoui, R. Robles, A.C. Reber, S.N. Khanna, and A. Schmidt-Ott. Production of equal sized atomic clusters by a hot wire. Journal of Aerosol Science, 40(5):423, 2009. [ DOI ] |
[24] | R. Robles, S. N. Khanna, and Jr. Castleman. Stability and magnetic properties of T2Sin (T = Cr,Mn,1 <= n <= 8) clusters. Physical Review B, 77(23):235441, 2008. [ DOI ] |
[23] | R. Robles, A. Bergman, A. B. Klautau, O. Eriksson, and L. Nordström. Spin and orbital moments of Fe clusters supported on Ni(001). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20(1):015001, 2008. [ DOI ] |
[22] | T. K. Yamada, E. Martínez, A. Vega, R. Robles, D. Stoeffler, A. L. Vázquez de Parga, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen. Spin configuration in a frustrated ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic thin-film system. Nanotechnology, 18(23):235702, 2007. [ DOI ] |
[21] | E. Martínez, R. Robles, D. Stoeffler, and A. Vega. Noncollinear magnetism caused by intermixing at ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic interfaces. Physical Review B, 74(18):184435, 2006. [ DOI ] |
[20] | R. Robles and L. Nordström. Noncollinear magnetism of Cr clusters on Fe surfaces. Physical Review B, 74(9):094403, 2006. [ DOI ] |
[19] | E. Martínez, A. Vega, R. Robles, R.C. Longo, and L.J. Gallego. Magnetism of the Fe9 nanocluster supported on Ni(001). Computational Materials Science, 35(3):307, 2006. [ DOI ] |
[18] | E. Martínez, R. Robles, A. Vega, R. C. Longo, and L. J. Gallego. Non-collinear magnetism in the Fe3 microcluster: Free-standing vs supported environments. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 19(15-17):2532, 2005. |
[17] | T. K. Yamada, R. Robles, E. Martínez, M. M. J. Bischoff, A. Vega, A. L. Vázquez de Parga, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen. Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy study of MnAu(001) thin films. Physical Review B, 72(1):014410, 2005. [ DOI ] |
[16] | E. Martínez, R. Robles, A. Vega, R. C. Longo, and L. J. Gallego. Theoretical study of the charge transfer in supported transition metal microclusters. The European Physical Journal D, 34(1):51, 2005. [ DOI ] |
[15] | E. Martínez, R. C. Longo, R. Robles, A. Vega, and L. J. Gallego. Structure and magnetic properties of small Fe clusters supported on the Ni(001) surface. Physical Review B, 71(16):165425, 2005. [ DOI ] |
[14] | E. Martínez, A. Vega, R. Robles, and A.L. Vázquez de Parga. Multiple collinear magnetic arrangements in thin Mn films supported on Fe(001). Antiferromagnetic versus ferromagnetic behavior. Physics Letters A, 337(4-6):469, 2005. [ DOI ] |
[13] | R. Robles, N. Barreau, A. Vega, S. Marsillac, J.C. Bernède, and A. Mokrani. Optical properties of large band gap β-In2S3-3xO3x compounds obtained by physical vapour deposition. Optical Materials, 27(4):647, 2005. [ DOI ] |
[12] | R. Robles, R. C. Longo, E. G. Noya, A. Vega, and L. J. Gallego. Structural and magnetic properties of Fen clusters at the Al(001) surface: Early transition from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic Fen. Physical Review B, 69(11):115427, 2004. [ DOI ] |
[11] | R. Robles, E. Martínez, D. Stoeffler, and A. Vega. Noncollinear magnetism of thin Cr films deposited on a stepped Fe(001) surface. Physical Review B, 68(9):094413, 2003. [ DOI ] |
[10] | R. Robles, J. Izquierdo, A. Vega, and L. C. Balbás. Is the vanadium(001) surface magnetic? Pseudopotential toward all-electron calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 91(2):230, 2003. [ DOI ] |
[9] | R. Robles, R. C. Longo, A. Vega, C. Rey, V. Stepanyuk, and L. J. Gallego. Magnetic magic numbers are not magic for clusters embedded in noble metals. Physical Review B, 66(6):064410, 2002. [ DOI ] |
[8] | J. M. Pruneda, R. Robles, S. Bouarab, J. Ferrer, and A. Vega. Antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in Fe/c-SiFe/Fe sandwiches and multilayers. Physical Review B, 65(2):024440, 2001. [ DOI ] |
[7] | R. Robles, A. Vega, and A. Mokrani. Theoretical study of the gap evolution of In2X3 (X=O, S, Se, Te) with lattice compression. Optical Materials, 17(4):497, 2001. [ DOI ] |
[6] | J. Izquierdo, R. Robles, A. Vega, M. Talanana, and C. Demangeat. Origin of dead magnetic Fe overlayers on V(110). Physical Review B, 64(6):060404(R), 2001. [ DOI ] |
[5] | R. Robles, R. C. Longo, A. Vega, C. Rey, and L. J. Gallego. Small Ni clusters at the (110) and (111) surfaces of Al: structures and lack of magnetic moment. Surface Science, 482-485(Part 2):976, 2001. [ DOI ] |
[4] | R. Robles, J. M. Pruneda, S. Bouarab, J. Ferrer, and A. Vega. Interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/SiFe/Fe sandwiches. Surface Science, 482-485(Part 2):994, 2001. [ DOI ] |
[3] | R. Robles, J. Izquierdo, A. Vega, and L. C. Balbás. All-electron and pseudopotential study of the spin-polarization of the V(001) surface: LDA versus GGA. Physical Review B, 63(17):172406, 2001. [ DOI ] |
[2] | R. Robles, R. C. Longo, A. Vega, and L. J. Gallego. Magnetic moments of Ni monolayers and small ground-state Ni clusters at the Al(001) surface. Physical Review B, 62(16):11104, 2000. [ DOI ] |
[1] | R. Robles, J. Izquierdo, and A. Vega. Magnetic behavior of monoatomic Co wires on Pd(110). Physical Review B, 61(10):6848, 2000. [ DOI ] |
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